509-738-6625, ext. 302
Middle School Athletics
Spring Sports Season
Registration is closed for spring sports
Baseball (7th/8th), Fast Pitch Softball (7th/8th), and Track & Field (6th/7th/8th)
Spring Sports Practice Start Dates:
Track & Field - Tuesday, March 18th
Practices are held every school day M- F 3- 4:15
Baseball/Softball - Monday, March 24th
Practices are held every school day M- F 3- 5:00
Sports Updates
8th-grade students will have an opportunity to Try Out for H.S.-level Sports except tackle football. Coaches will have three designated tryout dates that students must attend to be considered. All sports registration requirements must be completed before tryouts. Sports specific try-out dates will be posted here when it is that season.
Sports Registration
We have started a new platform for athlete sign-ups called Final Forms. Each parent and athlete must log on and sign the appropriate paperwork to be able to participate in Fall sports.
Stephanie Thomas, Athletic Director
To view sport schedule select the sport.