Kindergarten got a special opportunity to zoom with Iris Scott, the professional artist they studied for their first art project in CREW Club. Iris Scott is world famous for making oil finger painting a professional art form. She grew up in Maple Valley, Washington (which the students love to learn she comes from our state), moved to New York, where she established her career, and now resides in New Mexico. She showed the students her art studio, and how she layers colors to make her paintings which are compared to impressionist masters like Monet, Degas, and Van Gogh but she only uses her gloved fingers. Students had been finger painting a picture of themselves doings responsible actions they learned about at school, but during the zoom they got to paint a leaf of their choice in both shape and color. They learned how to mix different paint values to add texture and movement to their leaves like master impressionist painters. At the end of the zoom they sang their Christmas song โ€œLittle Snowflakeโ€ as a thank you to Iris for her time, which touched her deeply as she is now expecting her first child.