
For the first time since Kettle Falls Elementary School started our adventure program around 23 years ago, we have our own set of inflatable double kayaks and paddle boards! Thanks to the efforts of our PE/Adventure coordinator Cameron Stewart who wrote and submitted  the application for a grant, and to our state Board of Education for setting aside special funds for outdoor education, we were selected to receive a grant and continue to expand our adventure program. On our first adventure of the year, 4th grade already put our new equipment out on the water, spending half the day paddling and half the day hiking the beach. 3rd grade is scheduled to paddle this next adventure. In the past, we were lucky to get 3rd and 4th grade out once in the year to paddle. Thanks to the generosity of many local community members for letting us borrow kayaks and paddle boards over the years. Now, we can go out more often, make use of the beautiful waterways in our area, and better build the skills of our students. 

The grant also included other adventure upgrades: new snowshoes and bikes to replace broken ones, 25 new striders, and a trailer for storage. The addition of striders better suit the needs of our kindergarten and 1st grade students and will get them ready to ride the bigger bikes. Our old snowshoes and bikes were in bad shape with many broken, failing parts from heavy use over the years. We are looking forward to getting students out on the new ones as soon as possible. 

Our adventure program includes taking one grade level out each Wednesday and meeting community partners for a variety of experiences that pair physical, character, and artistic challenges with real life outdoor skills. Sometimes the adventure ties into field work for their current classroom studies called expeditions. Students get to try hiking, biking, paddling, snow shoeing, sledding, fossil digging, photography, engineering, and learn about local historical sites and farms. In the months where the snow melt prevents snowshoeing/hiking, we also take students on some fantastic indoor adventures to swim, rock climb, and try gymnastics. 

We are so excited to upgrade, expand, and ensure the success of our program for years to come. It is truly an amazing privilege to watch students grow and thrive in their education, not just in their classrooms, but beyond in our local outdoor environment.