Kettle Falls Middle School is buzzing with excitement as students and faculty came together to celebrate Spirit Week. Throughout the week, kids showcased their school pride by wearing an array of creative and spirited outfits, from their favorite sports jerseys to wild western gear, and even backwards clothes. The retro vibes of the '80s were resurrected with Rockin’ the 80s day, and students proudly wore blue and gold to honor their school's colors. The unity and energy were real, and students were particularly thrilled by the teachers who joined in the festivities by dressing up alongside them. The highlight of the week was an Assembly where the achievements of the fall sports teams in Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football were acknowledged. Two spirited teams engaged in a relay competition, incorporating various fall sport activities, adding to the competitive spirit. The KFHS cheerleaders made a special appearance, teaching the students some energetic cheers that ignited the crowd. As the week wraps up, students are eagerly anticipating the after-school parade and the high school football game that will cap off this remarkable Spirit Week celebration.